The quartet from Bergen, Kryptograf, release their sophomore album “The Eldorado Spell” in February, inspired by the heavy sound of the late 60s and 70s. The record features plenty of psychedelic and doom rock elements, combined with excellent song craft and an appetite for melody. The opener “Asphodel” sounds like early Witchcraft, and you can also hear Black Sabbath, Motorpsycho, and Pentagram on the album, but blended together in a way that casts Kryptograf’s own dark magic spell. Twin guitars, collective vocals, catchy riffs and grooves, interesting changes in pace (particularly on the fuzzy “The Spiral”), and acoustic interludes (such as the charming “Across the Creek”) decorate the album. Highlights are the title track and «When The Witches», containing melodic bass, dark prose and a guitar solo Hedvig Mollestad might be proud of. An album to put on repeat.
5/6 | Anne-Marie Forker
Release date: February 25, 2022