The strength of this record lies in how it steps away from their earlier sound world, without completely turning their back on it. It is a well-crafted, varied, and subtle record marked by different styles and textures while also sounding like a whole.
Stikkord: Bruce Soord
Bruce Soord – Looking for the Light
Bruce Soord, frontman of The Pineapple Thief, releases his third solo album “Luminescence”, in September 2023. A few weeks before release, we met up with Bruce in London for a chat about the new record, working with Storm Thorgerson, how things changed when Gavin Harrison joined The Pineapple Thief, and what records he would love to mix in Atmos, where he says you need to completely disconnect your brain from traditional stereo.
Da er jaggu nok ei runde rundt sola komplettert, og det er på tide å ta et lite og reflekterende steg tilbake og oppsummere med seg sjøl; hvilke skiver gjorde virkelig vei i både velling og øreganger dette året? Det vil si; det behøver ikke du, for NRM-redaksjonen kan som alltid stille med fasit og […]
Remarkably, not only is the record inspired by finding inner peace, but it enables the listener to find it within themselves, through intricate yet simple melodies and string arrangements and sensitive, sublime production. The emotional impact of Soord’s work on this record is outstanding.